Thursday, January 16, 2020

Old Dutch New York Bible 1741 Owned by Harmon Quackenbush

Pieter Quackenbush and wife Maria were New Netherland settlers - Pieter owned and operated the Albany brickyards. The old Dutch Bible belonging to my ancestor Harmon Quackenbush is displayed at this site (Pieter's great grandson) Bible as of this date housed at Schaghticoke, New York - Diver Library.

Harmon Quackenbush's Bible which was purchased of Harmon Grosbeck and Genet Winney in l775 can be viewed at this site. Original date of Bible 1741 written in Dutch. Harmon's son Jacob Quackenbush born 1771 inherited this Bible which today is at the  Schaghticoke, New York Library.

* Info from the web- The marriage record of Magdalena Quackenbosch and Jonas Volkertz Douw is the first entry in the registers of the Albany Dutch Church which have been preserved.

Pieter W. Quackenbush (a grandson of Pieter ref. above) and Volckert A. Douw-descendant of Volckert Janse, were partners in the business of making rum during the French and Indian War Period and beyond. Thanks to an Albany excavation project we learned that the Distillery was located outside of the City of Albany next to the Hudson River. In those times rum was not to be sold to soldiers inside of the city limits and this was a perfect location. Rum, which was made in large wooden vats with portions of "river water" and molasses (a by product of sugar) fermented 12 -14 days. Rum was one of the main beverages drunk in the mid l700s. British soldiers were issued a quart of rum per day for every four soldiers. It has been recorded that soldiers were drunk a good portion of each day. Rum was also used in punch which men, women and children drank. Drinking rum was considered "good for health". The Quackenbush-Douw facility could produce about 250 gallons of rum per day!

Rum depended upon the African Slave trade....the slaves worked the Sugar Plantations. Resolved Waldron (MANHATTAN SEEDS OF THE BIG APPLE) was once an overseer of workmen in Brazil prior to relocation in New Amsterdam where he lived with his family on the corner of Broadway and current day Wall Street. His first position was as night sheriff under Director General, Pieter Stuyvesant. Later he moved to Harlem. Resolveert Waldron spoke Dutch, English, Portuguese-once acting as interpreter for the Negroes of Cornelius Steenwyck, Govert Loockermans and Thomas Hall in court.

Thanks to the wonderful vision of Charles L. Fisher (1949-2007) the New York State Museum's first Curator of Historical Archealogy and his many colleagues. Along with the Museum I offer my sincere thanks to The Bender Family Foundation, Alan Goldberg, The Alan Goldberg Charitable Trust, George McNamee, and Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc. as well as all who contributed to the Charles L. Fisher Fund.

This Bible printed in Holland originally owned by Peter Ackart was purchased by Harmon Quackenbush of Schaghticoke, New York 28 May 1775 and is housed at the Arvilla Diver Memorial Library of Schaghticoke, New York. Harmon was married to Judith Morrel about l764. The Bible (image below) was purchased of Harman Groesbeck and Genet Winney, the two Elders of the Church at that time for the sum of four pounds, two shillings, zero penny which is paid by the said Harmon Quackenbush. On the inside cover: handwritten 1738 December 5 Harmon Quackenbush was born, Departed this life the 15th of May 1824. Page directly after face plate lists the birth of his wife 1739 April 26 and followed by all the children, 1759 December 22 then is born my eldest daughter, Alida. Alida married Daniel Bradt (AnthonyBradt & Rebecca Van Der Heyden ) and their daughter Judah Bradt born17 Nov. 1786 married William G. Waldron at Schaghticoke 9 May 1804. They had 14 children - the family resided in North Creek, New York.

Harmon Quackenbush was Author Gloria Waldron Hukle's grandfather 7 generations back.

Children of Harmon beginning with eldest daughter Alida born Dec. 22, 1759.

Harmon Quackenbush and wife Judah Morrall Quackenbush are Alida, above and Elizabeth born 1761 Aug. 28, son Sybrant was born Sept. 11 , 1763, son Daniel born 1765, Aug 27th, son John born 1767 June 18, daughter Nellie who eventually married Peter Benway was born 1769, August 19th, Harmon and Judith's son Jacob was born 1771 November 15th. Jacob married Ann Grosbeck and it was Jacob who inherited the Bible. Jacob Quackenbush died December 16th 1847 as recorded in this Bible. Harmon and Judith Quackenbush last born daughter was Catherine born 1774 January 15. Also recorded is Maria Benway born 1789 Sept. 20th.

Born l775, January 28th Ann Groesbeck (believed to be daughter of Harmon Groesbeck) Ann and Jacob Quackenbush married as written in the Bible 1793 June 30th.

1794 June 9th daughter Agnes Quackenbush was born, 1796 daughter Judy was born November 26th. It is interesting that her name is written as Judy an not Judith. In 1799 a son Thomas was born July 15th. 1802 Feb 8th Maria born, 1804 a daughter Catherine on Sept. 18th, 1808 Nellie (daughter of Jacob & Ann Quackenbush) 1814 Nicholas on June 9th, This child must have died young because a second Nicholas is listed as born 1817 January 19th. Images & transcriptions thanks to Ruth Urdwary Ft.Crailo DAR.

Ann Groesbeck wife of Jacob died 27 Sept. 1851. 

Source: Author Gloria Waldron Hukle, New York Historical Book Series by Gloria Waldron Hukle. 

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